I welcome and honor clients of all identities, of all sizes, and all abilities. I provide a space and time completely dedicated to your needs and approach all treatments from a trauma informed practice. I offer sliding scale treatments to Black and Indigenous folks. (please seeing Pricing for details.)

Before each session we will discuss what is going on with your body, what you are feeling, what your goals are for our session, and then we will discuss the treatment plan. Massage and bodywork helps lower stress, anxiety and depression, reduces pain, improves flexibility, improves muscle function and tone, reduces scar tissue, helps heal injuries, improves blood circulation and lymph flow which strengthens our immunity, and helps to bring our bodies and minds into balance. Bodywork can also help release emotional and mental grief or anger stored in our physical bodies. I custom tailor each treatment and depending on the session, I incorporate elements of neuromuscalar work, myofascial release, deep tissue manipulation, trigger point therapy, gua sha/myofascial scraping, intraoral jaw work, and facilitated stretching/muscles energy techniques/proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation to release pain, tension and stress from the body. Each session is a collaborative experience between the client and myself and we will remain in communication throughout the treatment to check in about pressure, about what I am feeling in your tissues, about what you are feeling, to direct you in an active stretch, or to check in about a stretch or a movement I am performing on you. Questions, comments, and ideas are always welcome during the session. Afterwards we may discuss beneficial stretches and exercises, or new insights or sensations.  Clients leave sessions more relaxed, with less pain, with better alignment and flexibility, with more ease of movement, and a better understanding of their body. 


I treat clients seeking help with-

  • Stress induced pain, tension or anxiety

  • Injuries from repetitive motion or work strain

  • Injuries related to sports and dance

  • Whiplash

  • Frozen shoulder syndrome

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Tendonitis, including plantar fasciitis

  • Sciatic pain

  • TMJ disorders

  • Tension Headaches

  • Post operative recovery

Myofascial Release- Fascia is a web of connective tissues, made up of collagen and elastin fibers. Fascia resides everywhere in the body, interwoven throughout all our systems, providing a framework for our human form and functions- under the deepest layer of our skin, covering our bones, wrapping our individual muscles, enclosing and separating muscles into groups, encasing our organs and nerves. It can become stiff, sticky, bunched up, or twisted which in turn can exert a force of tension and pull on the the entire structure of the body. I work to release these fascial pulls by gently rocking the body, by applying direct pressure to  one area while stretching tissue in other direction, by moving, stretching or applying traction to individual limbs, by rolling or gently twisting the skin. All of this work is done without oils or lotions so that all the layers of connective tissue can be addressed. 

Deep tissue- From the superficial layers of the body I apply firm, steady pressure in order to sink slowly down into deeper layers of muscle tissue. Once at the deeper layer, I apply a steady, direct pressure to break up adhesions in the fascia and soften the muscle.  Sometimes stretching accompanies the direct pressure to assist in separating muscles that may have become stuck to one another, to pin down and break up an adhesion in muscle tissue, or to reset the resting position of a muscle. Sometimes grasping and kneading individual muscle is utilized to soften tissues. This work is also usually performed with no oils or lotions, sometime on the skin or over the sheet.

Facilitated Stretching/Muscle Energy Techniques/Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation- Throughout the session I may ask for gentle muscle contractions for a short period of time before stretching in order to relax and lengthen muscles and normalize joint motion and increase flexibility.

Trigger point therapy- At any time during our session a trigger point may be encountered. A trigger point is a hyper sensitive area within a muscles which causes intense, localized pain and may also refer pain to other parts of the body. I apply, direct, firm, exact pressure, until it diminishes and disappears.

Gua sha/Myofascial Scraping-   I lubricate the skin with oil and use the blunt edges of a smooth jade tool to gently scrape the skin and deeper tissues with short stokes in specific areas of the body. This is done to break up scar tissue, smooth out bunched up fascia, break up adhesions in muscles tissue, encourage lymph and blood flow and to assist in achieving greater mobility. We will be in communication about the pressure to keep the sensation light. 

Intraoral jaw work-With medical gloves I work inside the mouth to gently and patiently soften the muscles and tissues associated with the disorders of the temporomandibular joint.